Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hepatitis Definition

Hepatitis A is a extremely contagious liver infection involving by the hepatitis A virus. The virus is one of different types of hepatitis viruses that because galling and affect your liver's power to function.Hepatitis means hit, to the liver with galling of the liver cells. There are five main types of hepatitis and the type is commonly determinate by a laboratory test.The liver is the biggest jowl in the human body. It weighs guesswork 3 lb (1.36 kg). It is redly brown in color and is parted into four lobes of various sizes and lengths. It is also the largest interior organ. It is below the diaphragm on the right in the thoracic territory of the tummy. Blood reaches the liver through the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The portal vein carrying blood holder ripe food from the small bowel, while the hepatic artery carrying oxygen-rich blood from the aorta.

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